As Simple As That: Using Social Media To Find A Lost Pet

As Simple As That: Using Social Media To Find A Lost Pet

From sharing recipes and craft projects, to reuniting relatives after a natural disaster, the power of social media is undeniable. But you can also employ social media to find a lost pet and bring him or her home faster.

Computers, tablets, and mobile devices have truly revolutionized our abilities to communicate daily (or hourly) with those nearby and around the globe. Using social media to engage with hundreds of individuals and organizations is a powerful tool, and in the case of a lost pet, your best and far-reaching ally. Making flyers on your copy machine for the neighborhood can still be helpful, but the days of flyers and posters are rapidly shrinking due to the speed and reach of Facebook and Twitter.

Exponential Notifications

By using social media to find a lost pet, you are ensuring that as many people as possible see or hear your plight in the shortest possible amount of time. This can lead to a quicker reunion with your pet, and reinforce your connection to your friends, family, and virtual community.

It’s Easy To Use Social Media To Find A Lost Pet

Check out the following sites to supply valuable aid in your search:

  • Facebook – As soon as you know that your pet is missing, post a lost pet query on your Facebook timeline with your pet’s photo, characteristics, and last known location. Ask that the information be shared, then watch as other pet parents share it with their friends list, who then re-share it with their friends in the area. You can also post to ZippiVet’s Facebook page (and other veterinarians in the area) so that your missing pet plea can be seen by our Facebook communities. That will also alert veterinarians to be in the lookout for a pet that is brought in. Also post to the Austin Lost Pets Facebook page, the Austin Humane Society, or your local shelter or animal control organization.
  • Twitter – We love Twitter because posts are kept to a succinct 140 characters. These “tweets” can be shared, and reshared until viral status is achieved. You can keep followers up-to-date with progress regarding your pet search, and keep the conversation going strong until #Fluffy or #FidoReturnsHome.

Also Helpful

If you’re on Google+, that can also be a good social media resource. If you have a blog, reach out to your readers to help support your search. Visit the websites and Facebook pages of local animal shelters and rescues to see if they’ve found your pet. You may be able to supply them with a photo of your pet so they are on the lookout for him or her. Lastly, always check out sites like:

Alternatively, you could reach out through apps like PiP Alert System or websites such as Pet Amber Alert to help find your pet. If you are too busy searching the neighborhood to spend time online the first day or two, ask for a friend’s assistance. When you do find your pet (because optimism is key!) and if he/she is hurt, immediately come to your local Austin ZippiVet animal hospital for assistance. 

Come On Home To Me

Remember, there is no substitute for microchipping your pet, and keeping him or her outfitted in a stellar collar with visible identification tags. This, when paired with social media to find a lost pet, is wonderful insurance for a prompt and stress-free reunion.

Please call ZippiVet at (512) 904-0218 with any questions or concern. We hope to see you and your pet soon!